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All In One: How SIT is Meeting Singapore’s Healthcare Needs


With its comprehensive suite of Allied Health degree programmes, SIT is nurturing the next generation of talent to meet the demand for healthcare professionals.

The buzz of patients fills the air. One by one, they take turns consulting the dietitian on duty. But this is not a clinic – it is a classroom in SIT. The patients are actors, and the dieticians are students honing their clinical skills. In another room, students learn to how conduct X-rays using sophisticated radiography machines.

Selected Radiation Therapy

Students learn to use sophisticated equipment and techniques to deliver radiation precisely and accurately to patients, mainly for the treatment of cancer. (SIT photo: fotto-graffiti/ Andrew Ang)

From dietetics to diagnostics, SIT has it all. It is the only autonomous university in Singapore that offers a comprehensive suite of allied health degree programmes, including Diagnostic Radiography, Dietetics and Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and Speech and Language Therapy.

It is not surprising that the university is attracting students who are passionate about contributing to Singapore’s healthcare sector in their own unique ways.

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“SIT is the only university that offers a degree in Dietetics and Nutrition, which would allow me to become a practising dietitian. I believe that food has the ability to determine one’s health, and my passion for inspiring others to practice a healthier diet without forgoing flavour did not require much deliberation”, said Fayeza D/O Mohamed Rafi, a Year 2 Dietetics and Nutrition student. (SIT Photo: Keng Photography/Tan Eng Keng)

The number of seniors aged 65 and above is projected to increase from 582,000 today to more than 900,000 by 2030, comprising 20% of the population. An ageing society would mean a greater need for healthcare services and providers. To address this growing concern, SIT is committed to developing a pipeline of healthcare professionals who are well-trained and possess the technical skills to meet current and future challenges in healthcare.

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The Health and Social Sciences cluster at SIT offers curated undergraduate programmes to educate, train, and nurture students to become competent and dedicated healthcare professionals. (SIT photo: fotto-graffiti/ Andrew Ang)

Nurture for the Future

As Singapore’s University of Applied Learning, SIT also equips students with a cross-disciplinary set of tools, aimed at helping them tackle increasingly complex real-world challenges.

Take its Pharmaceutical Engineering degree programme as an example. Built on an interdisciplinary curriculum that intersects engineering and science, it focuses on the development and manufacturing of the two largest classes of pharmaceutical drugs: biologics and small molecule drugs.

A forerunner of its kind, the programme’s curriculum was developed in close consultation with industry partners, training students across the full spectrum of cutting-edge pharmaceutical development and manufacturing competencies.

From product design to process development, operations, validation and regulation, students get the whole package and more. Modules that cover business and management acumen development are also offered to complement the technical aspect of their studies.


Melvinder Singh, a Year 4 student studying Pharmaceutical Engineering, attests to the programme’s comprehensive curriculum of both technical and practical knowledge.

“SIT taught me that we are in control of our learning. The projects are so interesting and diverse that we could let our ideas go wild. I am excited to apply the diverse engineering skills taught and hopefully, set a footprint and make a substantial change in the pharma industry.” (SIT Photo: Keng Photography/Tan Eng Keng)

Beyond Allied Health and Pharmaceutical Engineering, SIT also offers a Food Technology degree programme. Students can be equipped with food science and applied food technology skills required for a career in the food industry. They are also exposed to learning how to make palatable 3D-printed food to improve the meal experience of senior citizens with chewing difficulties.

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Delectable 3D-printed chicken rice puree created by SIT’s Food Technology students. (SIT Photo: Keng Photography/Tan Eng Keng)

With its distinctive programme offerings and focus on applied learning, graduates can make a meaningful difference in their chosen careers and impact the lives of individuals and the communities they serve.

Admissions to SIT is open from now till 19 March 2023.  

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