Diagnostic Radiography

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Deepening Clinical Expertise through Upskilling

Armed with a Postgraduate Diploma in Sonography, Florence Tan is ready for advanced clinical practice and leadership. 

All In One: How SIT is Meeting Singapore’s Healthcare Needs

With its comprehensive suite of Allied Health degree programmes, SIT is nurturing the next generation of talent to meet the demand for healthcare professionals.


DOSIS Project: Deepening Applied Research Collaboration

A three-year applied research project between SIT and a Finnish university surmounted pandemic challenges and turned into a long-term partnership.


Class of 2021: A Mid-Career Switch to Make a Difference in the Lives of Others

Losing her mother to ovarian cancer made Tang Shu Hua decide to make a mid-career switch and study Diagnostic Radiography.


SIT Dover

SIT Expands Degree Offerings with Trinity College Dublin in Diagnostic Radiography and Radiation Therapy

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) has announced plans to expand its degree offerings with current overseas university partner Trinity College Dublin the University of Dublin.