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SIT in Three Pivotal Partnerships to Grow Its Applied Learning and Research



Signalling its clear intent on growing its applied research and expanding its suite of higher education offerings, the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) today signed three significant Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) separately with key partners – DSO National Laboratories (DSO), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), and the Professional Engineers Board (PEB).

The collaborations with DSO and A*STAR are set to strengthen SIT’s position as Singapore’s University of Applied Learning, where students are placed in authentic learning environments within the industry, and work on translational research projects aimed at solving contemporary real-world problems. Reinforcing its emphasis on the work-learn continuum and commitment to lifelong learning, the university’s partnership with PEB is aimed to firm up the continuing education and training (CET) framework for aspiring Professional Engineers, and meet knowledge gaps within the industry.

“Today marks a significant step forward for SIT’s efforts to grow our applied learning and research. The partnerships with DSO, A*STAR and PEB announced today will contribute to growing our applied research activities and enhancing the value of our applied learning offerings. As a young university, SIT is developing our research capabilities with particular focus on translational research and innovation. The focused areas of field robotics, cybersecurity and food technology that we will work with DSO and A*STAR are all very relevant to Singapore’s needs and we are excited to be able to partner them to make impactful contributions in these areas,” said Professor Chua Kee Chaing, Deputy President (Academic) & Provost, SIT.


Strengthening Applied Research through Joint-Lab and R&D Collaborations with DSO National Laboratories

A joint laboratory at SIT@Dover will be established by DSO and SIT in early 2021 to spearhead applied research efforts for potential defence and commercial use. The collaboration will commence with strategic translational projects in the fields of Robotics/Unmanned Systems and Cybersecurity, involving SIT faculty staff and students from the Engineering and Infocomm Technology clusters.

The MOU signed today also cements a strong intention for DSO and SIT to collaborate in innovation projects such as Design Thinking, prototyping, exchanging and development of knowledge and technical expertise, involvement of students from work-study and industrial postgraduate programmes, training of students and engagement of work attachments and/or student researchers.

Mr Cheong Chee Hoo, Chief Executive Officer, DSO added, “Our first joint lab with SIT is part of DSO's strategic effort to work closely with local academia on upstream research and applied learning. This partnership will enable us to explore and develop new ideas in the important fields of robotics and cybersecurity, and inspire future talents to join us in pushing the boundaries of defence science and technology.”

Signatories of the MOU (from left): Mr Cheong Chee Hoo, Chief Executive Officer, DSO; and Prof Chua Kee Chaing, Deputy President (Academic) & Provost, SIT.

(image credit: DSO)


Partnership with A*STAR for SIT Undergraduates to Work on Research and Innovation in Companies

A*STAR will partner with SIT to second A*STAR’s researchers and SIT students undergoing their Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP) to companies, to jointly solve companies’ problems through research and innovation. Through A*STAR’s Technology for Enterprise Capability Upgrading (T-Up) Programme, A*STAR’s seconded researchers will provide technical expertise and mentorship to SIT undergraduates to transfer practical skillsets, and the students undergoing their work attachments will also gain relevant exposure to research and development (R&D) projects that bring about marketable outcomes. A*STAR and SIT have piloted the programme with local electronics firm, STYL Solutions, in May 2020.

In addition, A*STAR and SIT will collaborate in joint research projects, in areas such as robotics automation, food and pharmaceutical engineering.

Prof Tan Sze Wee, Assistant Chief Executive (Enterprise), A*STAR, said, “The partnership between SIT and A*STAR will jointly foster critical workplace skills among students, as well as transfer research and innovation expertise through exposure to real-world industry challenges and public-private collaborations. In turn, local companies also benefit from the local community of students and researchers working together to improve business processes or create novel products and services. This cycle of knowledge and skills transfer to our future workforce is vital in helping Singapore continue to transform its businesses.”



Signatories of the MOU signing ceremony (seated, from left): Prof Tan Sze Wee, Assistant Chief Executive (Enterprise), A*STAR; and Prof Chua Kee Chaing, Deputy President (Academic) & Provost, SIT. Witnesses (standing, from left): Mr Frederick Chew, Chief Executive Officer, A*STAR; Dr Tan See Leng, Minister in Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Trade and Industry and Manpower; and Prof Tan Thiam Soon, President, SIT.

(image credit: A*STAR)


Strengthening Education Framework for Aspiring Professional Engineers

The Professional Engineers Board (PEB) and SIT sealed an agreement today to collaborate in the advancement of the practice of Professional Engineering. A broad framework will be jointly developed for SIT’s conduct of Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (FEE), a requirement for registration as a Professional Engineer. The FEE tests an applicant’s knowledge of fundamental engineering subjects in disciplines such as civil, electrical, mechanical and chemical engineering.

The collaboration also entails expanding the suite of CET course offerings for prospective Professional Engineers, including bridging courses such as unbundled modules from SIT's degree programmes; specialist courses for certifications such as Tunnel Engineering; and short courses to bridge knowledge gaps identified in the industry. The courses will be led by SITLEARN Professional Development, the lifelong learning division of SIT.

“PEB is pleased to collaborate with SIT to help a wider spectrum of prospective applicants gain the necessary knowledge to prepare for registration as a Professional Engineer,” said Er. Ho Siong Hin, President of the Board, PEB.


Signatories and witnesses of the MOU signing ceremony (from left): Mr Tan Kiat How, Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office & Ministry of National Development; Er. Ho Siong Hin, President of the Board, PEBProf Tan Thiam Soon, President, SIT; and Prof Chua Kee Chaing, Deputy President (Academic) & Provost, SIT.

(image credit: PEB)


All three MOUs were signed at three separate occasions on 9 December 2020.


The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is Singapore’s University of Applied Learning, offering applied degree programmes targeted at growth sectors of the economy. With a mission to nurture and develop individuals who impact society in meaningful ways, SIT aims to be a leader in innovative learning by integrating learning, industry and community.

The university’s unique pedagogy integrates work and study by incorporating applied research for students to work on real industry problems and creating solutions that meet industry needs. SIT also advocates the work-learn continuum, which places an emphasis on upskilling and lifelong learning

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