Air Transport Management student Jerald Cheong went from the classroom to supporting client contract negotiations during his IWSP stint at Amadeus GDS.
Engineering the Perfect Cup of Bubble Tea
Muhammad Shadiqin and Nur Sarah share their IWSP experience working on the world’s first automated freshly brewed bubble tea machine.
Mentors help SIT Interns ‘Mind-the-Gap’ at SMRT
The new SIT-SMRT Buddy Up Programme pairs SIT interns with workplace mentors who are SIT graduates.
Serving Guests and Becoming Tourists in Tianjin, China
Genevre and Mildred from SIT’s Hospitality Business programme benefited from an enriching OIWSP and deep cultural exchange in Tianjin, China, in 2023.
From Bolts to Code: The Sky's the Limit
SIT student Dino Tan proves that embracing change will open new doors of learning opportunities.
Learning and Thriving in a Luxury Hotel through OIWSP
From overcoming language barriers to adding value to their roles, Jennelle and Jun Jie recount their OIWSP experience at a luxury hotel in Hong Kong.
Textbook to Dream Job: IWSP Helps SITizen Secure Dream Job
From textbook to construction zone, SIT graduate Loh Ken Wen’s perseverance paid off as he lands a full-time role at United Tec Construction.
From Lab to Medicine Cabinet: Pharmaceutical Sector's Unsung Heroes
Pharmaceutical engineers work behind the scenes and play a crucial role in the entire journey of pharmaceutical drugs we rely on.
Stepping Up to The Plate
SITizen Bryan Choo took a long shot when he applied to Rapsodo Sports for his Integrated Work Study Programme, and scored a full-time role in the company after graduation.
The Business of Bees in Food Technology
Get the buzz on Sean Loh, a final-year Food Technology student who had a one-of-a-kind learning experience during his Overseas Integrated Work Study Programme.