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SIT Partners Rotary to Build Skilled Workforce in Chemicals and Energy Sector


The collaboration will take place on three fronts – workplace learning programmes for Rotary staff, internship opportunities for SIT students, and innovation projects. 

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Rotary Engineering to collaborate and explore joint efforts and projects in education, workplace learning and innovation for the chemicals and energy industry. The MOU was signed at Rotary’s 50th Anniversary Gala dinner on 22 July 2022, graced by Guest of Honour, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister & Coordinating Minister for Social Policies. Rotary is a homegrown leading Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) and maintenance service provider.

Rotary MOU signing

An MOU was inked between Ms Grace Chia (left), Deputy Executive Chairman of Rotary Engineering and Prof Chua Kee Chaing (right), SIT President at Rotary’s 50th Anniversary Gala dinner on 22 July 2022. (Photo: Rotary Engineering)

The collaboration will see both parties coming together to co-create training programmes to support Rotary’s staff with relevant workplace learning and upskilling opportunities, including specialised training programmes to support the EPC sector.

One of the completed projects under this collaboration is the Rotary Management Programme (RMP), where Rotary project engineers undertake systemic training carried out in modules across the span of 15 months. The programme is curated by the National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning at SIT (NACE@SIT) and SIT's Professional Officers Division to support the career development of the engineers. A team of SIT academic staff and in-house Rotary specialists co-designed and delivered the RMP, tapping on industrial best practices and integrating it with practical case studies and multi-disciplinary project work of Rotary. Over 140 Rotary engineers attended the programme since it began in 2020.

Under the MOU, both parties aim to advance students' skills in the chemicals and energy sector by providing SIT students with internship and learning opportunities through SIT’s Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP) and Capstone Projects. SIT students and faculty members will also participate in relevant innovation projects and deliver integrated solutions to address business challenges.

"SIT is pleased to collaborate with Rotary Engineering, one of the pioneering local companies in the EPC sector. This collaboration brings new internship opportunities for our students, as well as establishes the Rotary Engineering Bursary to support financially disadvantaged undergraduates at SIT. We are also privileged to support the company's efforts in workplace learning to build a future-ready workforce. Congratulations to Rotary Engineering on its golden jubilee and we look forward to deepening our partnership in the years ahead," said Mr Bernard Nee, Vice President (Industry & Community), SIT.

At the Gala dinner, Mr William Chia, Executive Director of Rotary, presented donations to support various initiatives that benefitted the poor and underprivileged. This includes the Rotary Engineering Bursary which will benefit SIT undergraduates. Four bursaries, valued at $5,000 each, will be awarded annually in Academic Years 2023/24 and 2024/25.

Rotary cheque presentation

Mr William Chia, Executive Director of Rotary, presented a cheque to Prof Chua. (Photo: Rotary Engineering)

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