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Pairing Up for Success


The SIT Industry Mentorship Programme has benefitted more than 350 SITizens since its first run in 2018.

A joint initiative by the SIT Centre for Career Readiness (CCR) and Young NTUC, the SIT Industry Mentorship Programme (IMP) pairs SITizens with industry mentors for a period of five months. During the programme, not only do mentees gain industry-specific guidance in developing their career paths, they also broaden their perspectives on the career opportunities ahead.

A total of 103 mentees and 73 mentors, including 27 returning mentors, were part of the fifth successful IMP run this year. Since the first run of the programme in 2018, over 350 SITizens from 16 Engineering programmes have been paired with 200 mentors who hailed from various industries.

Mr Toh Soon Heng, a mentor from the Marine and Offshore sector, is excited about the prospects of these mentor-mentee relationships. He shared, “The SIT IMP is an excellent platform to share my experience with the next generation of talents. One of the things I enjoy most about being a mentor is the different perspectives I can bring to a situation. Chances are, I have walked in their shoes and faced similar challenges before. By engaging with the mentee, it allows them to grow their skills, make better decisions, and gain new perspectives on their lives and career.”

IMP 2022 Mentors

Industry mentors Mr Toh Soon Heng (left) and Mr Kapilan Sivathadchanamoorthy (right) are looking forward to the opportunities the SIT IMP will bring to the next generation of industry professionals. (SIT Photo)

Mr Kapilan Sivathadchanamoorthy, a mentor from the Aviation sector, hopes to open up more opportunities for budding professionals through exposing them to various aspects of the industry. “I invited my mentees to my company where they had the opportunity to interact with my colleagues, understand our daily operations and get hands-on experience in a flight simulator. Throughout the 13 years in my career, I had the blessings to work alongside mentors who had given me valuable advice that became my guiding principles and moulded me into what I am today. Hence, I hope others can also benefit from my experience,” he said. 

Chiam Sheng Jye, a Year 1 SITizen from the Electrical Power Engineering programme, was pleasantly surprised at how the IMP opened up more possibilities for him. He said, “Prior to IMP, I’ve always thought that my future career would be related to the power engineering domain, such as a being a licensed electrical worker (LEW). My mentor introduced me to a documentary about the nuclear energy industry, which has broadened my perspectives and career aspirations.” 

“The IMP provides a great opportunity to seek insights from experienced industry professionals, be it technical or soft skills. The whole experience has been chill, fulfilling and fun for me,” said Effia Tay, a Year 2 SITizen reading the Chemical Engineering programme. 

IMP Appreciation Night 2022 
The five-month programme concluded on 18 July 2022 with a night of appreciation and networking held at NTUC Centre. This also marked the first physical event after a two-year hiatus. 

IMP 2022 Dinner

Tay Qin Yue (left), a Year 1 SITizen from Civil Engineering with her mentor, Ms Khanh Nguyen (right) from the Built Environment sector. (SIT Photo) 

Attendees engaged in a networking session over dinner. For many of the mentor-mentee pairs, it was the first time meeting in-person as most mentoring sessions were conducted virtually. 

Mr Bernard Nee, Vice President (Industry & Community), SIT, delivered his opening address at the Appreciation Night, together with Ms Wendy Tan, Executive Secretary, Young NTUC. He thanked mentors for dedicating their time to guide their mentees, and encouraged mentees to stay connected with their mentors, and share the benefits of the IMP with their peers and juniors. 

IMP 2022 Token of Appreciation

Mr Toh Soon Heng (centre) with a token of appreciation from Mr Bernard Nee (right) and Ms Wendy Tan (left). (SIT Photo) 

Mr Nee and Ms Tan also presented a five-year appreciation token to Mr Toh Soon Heng from the Marine and Offshore sector, as well as Mr Ngiam Tee Woh from the Electronics sector, for their support to the IMP since its first run in 2018. 

IMP 2022 SIT Reps and Mentors

A group photo of the IMP mentors with representatives from SIT. (SIT Photo)

IMP 2022 Sharing by CCR Director

Ms Yeo May-Fung giving her closing remarks. (SIT Photo) 

The night ended on a high when Ms Yeo May-Fung, Director, Centre for Career Readiness, SIT, invited both mentors and mentees to give their testimonials and heartfelt words. 

The sixth run of the Industry Mentorship Programme will commence in January 2023, click here for more information. 

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