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SITizens of Tomorrow in an AI-driven World


Artificial Intelligence's permeation and increased usage have sparked much discussion on its potential impact on business metamorphosis. Read on to learn how our Infocomm Technology (ICT) degree programmes prepare graduates for success in the fast-paced, AI-driven workplace.

Human working alongside AI

Embracing tomorrow: SIT’s Infocomm Technology degree programmes equip students with skill sets to contribute to industry digitalisation through AI. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Our world is witnessing the influx of artificial intelligence (AI), with its influence permeating every sphere of our lives – from age filters on social media apps to generating essays and images with a few prompts. There are also AI tools to analyse data to gain insights into market trends. On a larger scale, AI encompasses the automation of workplace processes to reduce labour costs and improve efficiency. As AI makes its waves in the workplace, how does SIT equip SITizens to be innovative and valuable hires in their organisations?

An Emphasis on Strong Foundation

Recognising the dynamic nature of technology and the growing prevalence of AI in the workplace, SIT's ICT degree programmes are designed to equip undergraduates with industry-relevant skills to meet sector demands and contribute to workplace digitalisation. “At the core of our ICT programmes is a strong emphasis on equipping our undergraduates with a solid foundation in key domains,” said Associate Professor Donny Soh, Programme Leader, BSc (Hons) in Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI).

First- and second-year ICT undergraduates undergo common foundational modules that are important in today's data- and technology-driven world, such as Data Structures and Analysis, Database Modelling and programming fundamentals. They will subsequently progress to specialised modules as they advance through the degree programme. “Providing our undergraduates with a solid foundation and additional skill sets, such as AI, enables them to adapt to the evolving needs of the industry,” said A/Prof Soh.

A/Prof Donny Soh, Programme Leader, Applied Artificial Intelligence

A/Prof Donny Soh delves into the realm of AI, discussing its potential impact and applications with students. (SIT Photo)

All ICT degree programmes have included elements of AI to provide undergraduates with the necessary skills in the technology. Additionally, AI modules are available to all undergraduates within the ICT cluster. For instance, ICT undergraduates can explore Machine Learning, a core module of the AAI programme, during the foundational years of their academic journey. This module empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills to unlock the potential of machine learning models, enabling them to tackle complex challenges within their sectors confidently.

Undergraduates of the BSc (Hons) in Applied Computing with a specialisation in Fintech programme will learn how to use AI to recognise patterns and detect potential fraud before it leads to negative consequences. In BEng (Hons) in ICT (Software Engineering), students will gain practical experience in machine learning during their third year of study. For instance, they will learn how this technology powers buyer-recommended systems for online shopping. Students in BEng (Hons) in ICT (Information Security) will study abnormal web traffic patterns and use machine learning to filter out outliers via anomaly detection techniques.

“Machine learning is a versatile tool and a valuable skill set applicable across many ICT sectors. By imparting this knowledge to our students, they can adeptly apply it in context to their specialisations and create unique propositions for themselves,” explained A/Prof Soh.

Immersive Industry Exposure

SIT prides itself in being a forward-thinking and industry-focused university, a characteristic evident in the structure of its curriculum. The Applied Computing (Fintech) degree programme is a good case in point. In a unique Term-In Term-Out (TITO) model, undergraduates will be placed on a trimester-long attachment in a company each year throughout the programme. Employer-partners for the programme include established names like AIA Singapore, DBS Bank and Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation. During their attachments, undergraduates will be taught their modules onsite, contributing to an authentic learning experience in a workplace environment.

AC-Fin students

ICT students undergo substantial work attachments to gain real-world experience over eight to 12 months. (SIT Photo)

To provide undergraduates with a head start in their careers, SIT also integrates a comprehensive eight- to 12-month work attachment programme called the Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP) into all SIT and SIT-joint degree programmes. The duration of the IWSP enables organisations to entrust SIT undergraduates with significant projects for a more extended period, thus enriching their work attachment experience. Furthermore, undergraduates can establish meaningful relationships with their colleagues and deeply immerse themselves in the workplace culture, allowing them to transition seamlessly into the workplace if they continue working at the company as official employees upon graduation.

“AI is the new paradigm, and it’s here to stay. We aim to empower SITizens for the future through our innovative curriculum, extensive work-study programmes, and immersive attachments,” A/Prof Soh said. “Our vision is to nurture forward-thinking ICT professionals equipped with AI expertise and the adaptive mindset to thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape.”

Admissions for Academic Year 2024 is open till 19 March 2024. Join us to be part of the AI revolution today!

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