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SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony 2016 (West Zone)


On 1 July, more than 400 guests, including 240 NSmen from 31 participating companies and organisations, joined SIT staff and students for this year’s SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony (West Zone). SIT was honoured to have organised this year’s ceremony, and once again welcomed guests to SIT@Dover, where the 2015 ceremony was co-organised with ST Marine.

Officiated by Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, the ceremony was supported by the Naval Diving Unit, Republic of Singapore Navy and Ministry of Defence. At her opening address, she connected with the audience, especially NSmen, by showing slides of her personal experiences with the army – including her camp visits during her son’s national service stint.

Ms Fu awarded tokens of appreciation to participating companies before the recitation of the SAF Pledge, which was led by MAJ(NS) Kelly Koh (S3, 789th Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment), who is also Director, Admissions at SIT. The ceremony provided an opportune time for NSMen to reaffirm their commitment to the defence of the nation, as well as civilians to support the SAF with their encouragement and solidarity.

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