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Pioneer cohort of Criminology and Security students graduate from University of Liverpool in Singapore


38 students received their Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Criminology and Security from the University of Liverpool (UoL) today. These students are from the pioneer cohort of the Criminology and Security degree programme that was established in 2013 by the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and the UoL, a leading British research university at the forefront of criminological research.

This three-year full-time degree programme offers an integrated and comprehensive study into criminological theories and research methodologies that includes modules such as Social Change and Social Policy in Contemporary Society. Localised case studies are used to equip students with a deeper understanding of crime and security issues, why it occurs, its consequences and what can be done to properly address it. New modules on important topics such as radicalism and terrorism in South East Asia and cybercrime have also been added to the curriculum.

Since its inception, 300 students have embarked on this programme. SIT and the UOL are confident that this programme supports the growth and helps raise the level of professionalism of the safety and security industry in Singapore.

Dr Leon Moosavi, Director of the University of Liverpool in Singapore, said: "We are delighted to have played a role in educating this very first batch of Singaporean criminologists. The students have enthusiastically strived for three years to tackle complex social issues relating to crime and security. They are now better equipped to offer sophisticated evaluations of criminality, and also other important social issues too. I am confident that they will go on to use their recently acquired knowledge and skills for the benefit of society"

Professor Loh Han Tong, Deputy President (Academic) & Provost, SIT said, "My heartiest congratulations to the 38 graduates who are now ready to tackle the challenges posed in these uncertain times, and will go on to shape future policy and practice in the crime and security fields. We embarked on this partnership with UoL in line with our mission to continuously offer degree programmes given the specific need by the industry. I’d also like to thank the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for giving us strong support and endorsement for this to bear fruition. SIT remains committed to offering niche and industry-relevant degree programme opportunities for our local students that will benefit our industry and society."












Police Officer Jonathan Ling who graduated top of the cohort giving a short speech before receiving his award for Highest Achieving Student

MHA congratulates the 26 Home Team officers from this pioneer batch, and looks forward to their further contributions to the Home Team. We would also like to congratulate Police Officer Jonathan Ling who graduated top of the cohort. MHA is proud to have sponsored 124 Home Team officers on full scholarships for full-time studies since the inception of the programme in 2013. This is our commitment towards professional development in the Home Team.












University of Liverpool (UoL) in Singapore's pioneer cohort of Criminology & Security graduates together with SIT and UoL faculty

About University of Liverpool (UoL)

The University of Liverpool is a Russell Group University, which means it is one of the UK’s 24 leading research-intensive universities, and is ranked within the top 1% of higher education institutions worldwide. Established in 1881, it has a long tradition of pursuing novel interdisciplinary research that has a tangible impact on people, places, policies and the planet. As the original ‘redbrick’ university, with nine Nobel Laureates, its staff, students and graduates have always been ambassadors for original thinking. With 36,000 students, including more than 10,000 online students from more than 160 countries, the University of Liverpool is an academically strong university that offers more than 445 university programmes. It has a global alumni network of more than 180,000 and many of its graduates have gone on to occupy senior positions in business and public life both within the UK and internationally.

About Singapore Institute of Technology

Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is Singapore’s new autonomous university of applied learning. It aims to be a leader in innovative university education by integrating learning, industry and community as part of its unique pedagogy. Partnering world-class universities, SIT offers applied degree programmes targeted at growth sectors of the economy. SIT also aims to cultivate in its students four distinctive traits, or the SIT-DNA, which will prepare them to be ‘thinking tinkerers’, who are ‘able to learn, unlearn and relearn’, be ‘catalysts for transformation’ and finally, become ‘grounded in the community’.

About Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) oversees the various aspects of Singapore's safety and security together with our Home Team Departments and statutory boards which are: the Singapore Police Force, Internal Security Department, Singapore Civil Defence Force, Immigration & Checkpoints Authority, Singapore Prison Service, Central Narcotics Bureau, Home Team Academy, Casino Regulatory Authority and Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises. To find out more about MHA, visit

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