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SIT Continues to Refresh Programme Offerings to Align with Key Industry Trends

New ‘Term-In Term-Out’ (TITO) modality for emerging economic sectors of Applied Computing (Fintech), Digital Supply Chain, and Robotics Systems


SIT Launches Singapore’s First Competency-based Stackable Micro-credential Pathway

MOUs signed with NCS, Singtel, Singapore Computer Society and three polytechnics to upskill and reskill ICT sector workforce.   

Driving Sustainable Transformation in Non-Profit Sector

3P partnership to bolster service, data, and process transformation to address current and future needs of sector.

Teaching the Art of Mentoring by Asking ‘What Else?’

The Corporate Mentoring and Coaching training programme aims to develop workplace mentors, who play an integral role in cultivating workplace learning culture.

Rekindling Dreams with Workplace Learning Pathway

The pilot Competency-Based Workplace Learning (CBWL) pathway at SIT provides an avenue for lifelong learners to seek education that may have been out of reach earlier.

2022 and beyond: How education is adapting for a new world

Educators and career experts share how education and workplace training can adapt to create a future-ready workforce.


Seizing the Opportunity to Upskill

Meet Ahmad Syahir, one of 26 workplace learners embarking on SIT’s pilot Competency-Based Workplace Learning Pathway

Lean Thinking: Spurring Creativity at Shalom Movers

At Shalom Movers, four to five movers are deployed for each moving job. They would wrap, pack and then move the boxes to a holding area near the lift lobby before transporting the ...

Transforming Everyday Work at Four Seasons Catering with Lean Thinking

Transforming Everyday Work at Four Seasons Catering with Lean Thinking Every day, it would take the team at Four Seasons Catering three hours to prepare and organise their ...

Lean Thinking Approach Maximises Staff Efficiency at Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital

Faced with a limited capacity of 600 beds, Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital is keen to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its processes in order to open up more beds for more patients and improve the patient experience.