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First Year Experience 2022 Welcomes New SITizens


After a two-year hiatus from physical events, SIT welcomed freshmen for Academic Year 2022/23 in person at SIT@Dover for an unforgettable First-Year Experience (FYE).

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Welcome to your new home, SITizens! (SIT Photo)

From 20 to 26 August 2022, more than 2,800 freshmen learned more about SIT through a series of induction programmes – University Life Club Fair, Day Zero, and Helix.

New Academic Journey

Rishab Sharma, President of the FYE Exco and Year 2 Air Transport Management student said, “It has been two years since SIT organised a physical induction programme, and I see this as the start of a new academic journey.”

It took 800 student organisers and facilitators four months to prepare for the event. The objective was to create a holistic and immersive orientation programme for our new SITizens.

Rishab shared that the journey had its highs and lows but his team, together with guidance from the Student Life Division (SLD), worked really hard and managed to create a memorable First Year Experience 2022 for everyone.

University Life Club Fair

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Prof John Thong chatting with students at the University Life Club Fair. (SIT Photo)

Held on 20 August, the Fair gave freshmen a taste of SIT’s vibrant university life. Student organisations and SIT divisions put together more than 100 exhibition booths, and participants were treated to 40 student performances and workshops.

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Freshmen visiting the exhibition booths by student organisations and SIT divisions. (SIT Photo)

The inaugural ‘Fireside Chat with Adult Learners’ attracted 37 adult learners, who got an opportunity to hear from A/Prof Foo Yong Lim, Assoc Provost (Academic Programmes); A/Prof Elaine Siow, Asst Provost (Student Experience); Ms Zoe Peters, Director, Student Life; and current adult learner, Ms Tai Kit Ping from the Physiotherapy programme.

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Attendees at the inaugural ‘Fireside Chat with Adult Learners’. (SIT Photo)

Participants exchanged stories about how they adjusted to the hectic pace of academic demands, how they communicated with the younger generation, and what they did to adapt to university life.

Day Zero

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Prof Chua Kee Chaing (centre) at the morning session for the Infocomm Technology Academic Cluster at Day Zero. (SIT Photo)

This year’s Day Zero, held from 22 to 25 August, was an induction to SIT’s unique applied learning pedagogy. It also provided a platform for purposeful interaction between first-year students, seniors, and faculty from the same programme.

Day Zero took place over seven sessions, covering five academic clusters, and included an inaugural panel discussion with industry partners, SIT senior management, faculty, and student representatives. Panelists shared their perspectives on current and future industry trends and the necessary skill sets students need to be industry ready.


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Freshmen getting into the spirit of things at Helix. (SIT Photo)

To close the week-long orientation, freshmen had the opportunity to interact with each other and experience SIT’s culture, values, and SITizen-DNA through Helix on 26 August. This programme was specially curated to encourage networking across SIT’s clusters. Freshmen had a great time displaying their hidden talents through performances and making new friendships through various group activities.

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Freshmen performing at Helix. (SIT Photo)

Freshman Kairos El Varro from the Physiotherapy programme said, “I entered FYE with a mindset to meet new faces in a new environment. University life is different from pre-tertiary institutions because it is where we will learn and be trained to progress into the workforce. I’m glad that through FYE, I got to meet like-minded friends that I might potentially work with in the future.”

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