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1st confirmed case of COVID-19 in SIT


The Ministry of Health has confirmed that a Year 3 Telematics student, based in SIT@Dover campus, has tested positive for COVID-19 on the afternoon of 20 February. The student has no recent travel history to China, and is linked to ‘Case 82’ in MOH’s case record. He is currently warded at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, where he is coping well. We will continue to be in touch with him.

The student was last on campus in the late afternoon on 14 February, and has not come into contact with any other SIT student or staff since the onset of symptoms that night. He alerted us as soon as he learnt that he was confirmed to be infected with COVID-19.

Students are currently on their recess week. As a precautionary measure, we have immediately placed students and staff who came into close contact with the affected student, just before the onset of his symptoms, on a 14-day Leave of Absence (LOA). We will continue to monitor their health and well-being daily, and render support where necessary. Students on LOA will still be able to continue with their lessons through e-learning.

Earlier today, all lecture theatres, seminar rooms and laboratories used by the Year 3 Telematics cohort has been deep-cleansed and disinfected. Since activation of DORSCON Orange, we have stepped up the frequency of cleaning all campus areas and facilities to up to three times daily, and this will continue.

The health and safety of the SIT community remains our utmost priority. Since the activation of DORSCON Orange we have heightened our precautionary measures. For example:

  • All staff and students are required to take their temperature twice a day and declare it online if they are on campus;
  • Temperature screening measures are in place at SIT@Dover, and we comply with the same screening measures at the Polytechnics;
  • Non-essential mass/group activities have been cancelled, suspended, postponed or otherwise adjusted to minimise risks;
  • E-learning for class sizes of more than 50 students will commence from 24 February; classes that cannot be moved online (e.g. laboratory sessions) will be broken up into smaller groups.

On an individual level, it is important that each of us does our part in combatting the spread of this virus by practicing good hygiene, monitoring our health regularly and being socially responsible. The well being of our SIT community hinges on each of us staying alert and vigilant to the evolving situation.


Deep cleaning and disinfection of premises at SIT@Dover:



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