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Mr Bill Chang to Succeed Mr Ng Yat Chung as Chairman of SIT Board of Trustees


Appointment to take effect from 16 March 2022.

Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) Chairman Mr Ng Yat Chung will step down on 15 March 2022 as the Chairman of SIT’s Board of Trustees after more than 12 years.  The University will welcome Mr Bill Chang, Chief Executive Officer, Group Enterprise and Country Chief Officer Singapore of Singtel, as the new Chairman to its Board with effect from 16 March 2022.

New Chairman, Mr Bill Chang


Mr Chang was appointed as a member of the SIT Board of Trustees in September 2020. He joined Singtel in November 2005 and was appointed CEO, Group Enterprise in 2012, before assuming the role of Country Chief Officer Singapore in 2014. An alumnus of Singapore Polytechnic, he served on the Board of Governors from 2003 and as its Chairman from April 2012 to September 2020. He served on the Board of the Workforce Development Agency for 6 years until 2011. Mr Chang co-chaired the Future Jobs and Skills Sub-committee of the Committee on the Future Economy of Singapore. He is currently a Board member of the Urban Redevelopment Authority and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors’ International Advisory Technology Governance and Innovations Panel.

As Chairman of the SIT Board of Trustees, Mr Chang will work closely with the management and stakeholders of the university to shape its mission, chart major directions, and guide significant initiatives to produce a strong and enduring impact for the university. The SIT Board of Trustees comprises 19 eminent business leaders, academics, entrepreneurs, and professionals from the public and private sectors. 

Said Mr Chang: “I am honoured with this appointment as Chairman of SIT at an exciting time for the university. SIT’s mission to groom young talent to be work-ready professionals and lifelong learners, who contribute to and impact both industry and our society resonates strongly with me. I would like to thank our current Chairman for his leadership and contributions to the development of SIT since its founding years. I look forward to working closely with our SIT leadership and Board to make SIT Singapore’s premier University of Applied Learning, supporting industry innovation and industry transformation.”

Outgoing Chairman, Mr Ng Yat Chung

During his tenure as Chairman of SIT, Mr Ng oversaw SIT’s inception as a publicly funded institute in 2009, as well as it being gazetted as Singapore’s fifth autonomous university in 2014. Under his stewardship, SIT has expanded university education pathways for young Singaporeans and has grown its educational offerings and industry collaborations significantly.

Said Mr Ng: “It has been an honour to serve alongside the Trustees, the university staff and our polytechnics, overseas university and industry partners to build from scratch a university of applied learning. I am grateful for the indispensable support of our partners, the government and our donors throughout this journey. I am delighted that Bill will be taking over as Chairman of SIT, and I have every confidence that he will steer SIT to greater heights.”

Minister for Education, Mr Chan Chun Sing expressed appreciation for Mr Ng’s contributions: “Mr Ng Yat Chung helped to establish SIT as our first autonomous university of applied education, and it is now well recognised for its strong linkages with industry. This has brought greater diversity to the education system for our students. Mr Ng also advocated for SIT to have its own consolidated campus within the Punggol Digital District to help SIT develop a strong identity, and facilitate collaboration and the exchange of ideas between faculty, staff, students and industries in the district. I would like to warmly welcome Mr Bill Chang as the new Chairman, and look forward to working with him as SIT embarks on its next phase of development.”

Professor Chua Kee Chaing, President of SIT, thanked Mr Ng for building the foundation of SIT as the inaugural Chair of SIT’s Board. “My warmest gratitude to Mr Ng Yat Chung for his leadership over the last 12 years. He has helped to establish many practices that have laid the path in making SIT Singapore’s University of Applied Learning. His dynamic leadership has guided us through an exciting period of growth as a new university. We are also delighted to welcome Mr Bill Chang as our new Chairman, and we are confident that he will play a pivotal role in SIT’s next phase of growth.”

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is Singapore’s first University of Applied Learning, offering industry-relevant degree programmes that prepare its graduates to be work- and future-ready professionals. Its mission is to maximise the potential of its learners and to innovate with industry, through an integrated applied learning and research approach, so as to contribute to the economy and society. 

The University’s unique pedagogy integrates work and study, embracing authentic learning in a real-world environment through collaborations with key strategic partners. Its focus on applied research with business impact is aimed at helping industry innovate and grow. Targeted to be ready in 2024, SIT’s centralised campus within the larger Punggol Digital District will feature a vibrant learning environment where academia and industry will be tightly integrated with the community.

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