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robin hero image

Upskilling is Not an Uphill Task

Questions like “Am I too old?” and “Can I afford it?” are often on the minds of adult learners when considering upskilling. Robin Ngan, Director of SITLEARN, tackles these questions


IWSP at Continental

Success-Driving Partnerships: A Smooth Ride to the Workplace

SIT alumni Gerald Gwee and Luna Neo credit their success to the Computer Engineering degree programme and work attachment at Continental Automotive Singapore.

SITizens from Class of 2022

SIT Graduate Journeys: The Code, the Cloud, and the Cargo

SIT's GES 2022 found that 9 in 10 graduates gained employment within 6 months. Three SITizens from the Class of 2022 share their education journey.

GES 2022

SIT Graduates Achieved Healthy Employment Outcomes and Higher Starting Salaries

More than 9 in 10 graduates were employed within six months of graduation, with 86.6% employed in full-time permanent jobs.


Skills-based Careers: How Competency-based Education is Changing the Learning Landscape

As more of those entering the workforce are diversifying the way they pick up knowledge and competency-based learning picks up pace, how does this impact employers and how they hire?


From Dissemination to Demonstration: How a Focus on Competencies Transforms Education

Dr Barbara Bichelmeyer, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of the University of Kansas, spoke at the Applied Learning Conference 2023 and shared why the future of education lies in competency-based education.


A Singapore University’s Novel Attempt to Transform Education and Change How We Look at Upskilling

The Singapore Institute of Technology is proposing a new approach to upskilling and education that shifts the focus from paper qualifications to certified skills and competencies.


The Future of Learning: How Competency-based Education is Shaping Skills Development

As the shelf-life of skills shortens, it's time to rethink the traditional approach to upskilling.

PulseSecure at SIT Career Nexus

SITizens Plug into the Real World at PulseSecure

At PulseSecure, SITizens get a front-row seat to the exciting world of cybersecurity.

SIT’s Industry Mentorship Programme Gives SITizens a Winning Start

ince its first run in 2018, the annual Industry Mentorship Programme (IMP) has benefitted more than 360 SITizens.