Loo Shaw Chang & Tan Hooi Hong Bursary

The Loo Shaw Chang & Tan Hooi Hong Bursary was established to support financially disadvantaged but deserving students who are enrolled in undergraduate degree programmes offered by the Institute.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Full-time students pursuing any undergraduate degree programme offered by the Institute.
  • Singapore Citizens.
  • Household Per Capita Income (PCI) less than or equal to $1,000 or students who have provided evidence of family financial difficulties, to be determined by the Institute in its sole discretion.

Tenure and Benefits of the Bursary:

  • Each Bursary, valued at $5,000, is applicable for one (1) academic year.
  • The Bursary will be used to fund the recipient’s education expenses.
  • Recipients of this Bursary may accept other Bursaries concurrently.
  • No bond is required of the recipient.

About the Donor

The donors have made possible this bursary to honour their parents/parents-in-law/grandparents, the late Mr Loo Shaw Chang and his widow Mdm Tan Hooi Hong, who came from humble backgrounds. Both left their hometowns in Malaysia and were pioneer graduates of Nanyang University.  They spent their careers furthering the Chinese language in Singapore and beyond. Mr Loo, who topped his cohort and received the first graduate scroll from Nanyang University, went on to become the Director of the Chinese Language & Research Centre at the National University of Singapore, while Mdm Tan taught Chinese language in secondary schools. They were passionate in their work and left behind their examples of commitment, excellence and responsibility. They were always mindful that their own education was made possible by the sacrifice of their families. The Bursary is established with the aim to assist students with financial needs so that they will have educational opportunities and be able to contribute to their families and society in future.

这份助学金是捐赠者为纪念他们的 父母/岳父母/外祖父母 卢绍昌先生和陈惠芳女士而设立的。已故的卢绍昌先生和他的遗孀陈惠芳女士出身贫寒。两人离开马来西亚的故乡后,成为新加坡南洋大学首届毕业生。之后,他们在事业上不遗余力地在新加坡及以外地区推广华语教育。已故的卢绍昌先生在南洋大学考获第一名,也是获颁该校毕业证书的首位学生,他后来更成为新加坡国立大学华语研究中心主任。陈惠芳女士则在中学教授华文。他们对工作的热忱、委身、精益求精以及责任感,都是后人的好榜样。对于家人曾为他们所作出的牺牲使他们能受教育,他们则永远铭记于心。捐赠者希望透过这份助学金援助有经济困难的学生,使他们也能得到相同的教育机会,并能在未来对家庭和社会有所贡献。

How To Apply

Applications for Public Bursaries, Donated Bursaries & Scholarships will commence in July 2022. Do keep a look out for more information which will be sent to your SIT e-mail address.

Matriculated students are to submit their Financial Aid application via the SIT Student Intranet - IN4SIT. Do note that students are to connect to the SIT VPN before accessing IN4SIT. 

Applicants will need to complete and submit the online application form and upload all required supporting documents through the application portal by the given deadline.

Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.