Wong SH Bursary
The Wong SH Bursary was established to benefit worthy undergraduates enrolled in any full-time degree programme at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) – so as to ensure that qualified students can have a qualitative university education regardless of their means, and that they can achieve academic excellence without financial worries.
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Students enrolled in any full-time undergraduate degree programme offered by SIT
Singapore Citizens
Household Per Capita Income (PCI) less than or equal to S$850
Good performance at selection interview
Tenure and Benefits of the Bursary:
Each award is valued at S$5,000 and is tenable for one Academic Year.
The bursary will be used to fund the recipient’s educational expenses such as tuition fees, course materials, expenses for the overseas immersion programme conducted by the Institute, and other study-related expenses.
No bond is required of the recipient.
About the Donor
The Wong SH Bursary was made possible with a philanthropic gift and named for the donor’s father, who came from Ningbo, China and raised four children. The donor of this bursary wishes to encourage financially disadvantaged students at SIT in their pursuit for knowledge and he hopes that in future, the community of bursary recipients will also give back to society and help others.
How To Apply
Matriculated students are to submit their Financial Aid application via the SIT Student Intranet - IN4SIT. Do note that students are to connect to the SIT VPN before accessing IN4SIT.
Applicants will need to complete and submit the online application form and upload all required supporting documents through the application portal by the given deadline.
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.