Ransomware Awareness Seminar
The recent outbreak of WannaCry affected more than 200,000 individuals in over 150 countries, including Singapore.

Attendees at SIT’s Ransomware Awareness Seminar
In partnership with the Association of Information Security Professionals (AISP), SITLEARN held the half-day Ransomware Awareness Seminar on 8 June 2017, at SIT@Dover, Auditorium, featuring guest speakers from Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), RSA Security, MWR InfoSecurity as well as faculty from SIT.
The audience of just over 160 who attended the seminar heard from industry experts who provided analysis on the evaluation and behavioural patterns of the ransomware as well as ways to protect ourselves against future malware attacks. A mix of Government-Linked Companies (GLCs), Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) participated in the seminar, with SMEs providing the largest turnout.

Questions posted by seminar attendees for the panel session
In an engaging panel session that lasted for more than 45 minutes, our panelists fielded many insightful questions from the audience about the possible risks of WannaCry ransomware from an organisational and personal perspective. The Ransomware Awareness seminar provided the opportunity for the audience to gather first-hand insights on how to overcome the ransomware attacks in their respective sectors.

Panel Session (left to right): Mr Tok Yee Ching, MWR InfoSecurity; Dr Vivek Balachandran, Lecturer, SIT; Mr Yum Shoen Yih, Deputy Director, CSA;
Associate Professor Steven Wong, Programme Director, SIT & President, AISP; Mr Kong Chong Ming, Technology Consultant, RSA; Mr Ho Hee Meng, Senior Lecturer, SIT.
This seminar was organised as part of SIT’s lifelong learning initiatives in helping the Singapore workforce to stay relevant and agile in changing times.

SIT students showcasing the actual WannaCry ransomware infections to seminar attendees
This article was originally published on SIT's Digital Newsroom.