Course Overview

Infocomm Technology
Short Course
2 days
Fee Subsidy
Up to 90% SF Funding

Dive into the world of AI creativity in this course designed for learners from non-technical backgrounds.

Over two engaging days, you will be introduced to generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and autoregressive models.

Through lively discussions and interactive sessions, you will uncover how these models work and what they can do – from crafting lifelike images to generating text. You will also explore where Generative AI is used in real life, touching on important ethical considerations along the way.

What sets this course apart is the invaluable hands-on experience you will acquire, as you engage with Generative AI software to create your own unique works. Whether your passion lies in art, writing, or simply satisfying your curiosity about the immense potential of AI, this course provides the ideal platform for exploration and creativity.

Who Should Attend

  • Senior managers in digital and non-digital functions looking for a holistic digital transformation strategy for their organisation
  • Middle managers in digital and non-digital functions looking to develop cross-functional skills and capabilities needed for career advancement
  • IT professionals looking to broaden their knowledge by learning the business elements of digital

What You Will Learn

  • Knowledge of generative models, including different types such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and autoregressive models
  • Applications of Generative AI
  • Ethical considerations in Generative AI
  • The immersive experience in generating various works using Generative AI software

Teaching Team

Soh Cheng Lock, Donny
Soh Cheng Lock, Donny

Associate Professor / Prog Leader, Infocomm Technology, Singapore Institute of Technology

View profile


Course Run Dates Time

Certificate and Assessment

A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants who

  • Attend at least 75% of the course
  • Undertake and pass non-credit bearing assessment during the course

Fee Structure

The full fee for this course is S$2,180.00.

Category After SF Funding
Singapore Citizen (Below 40) S$654.00
Singapore Citizen (40 & Above) S$254.00
Singapore PR / LTVP+ Holder S$654.00
Non-Singapore Citizen S$2,180.00 (No Funding)

Note: All fees above include GST. GST applies to individuals and Singapore-registered companies.

Course Runs

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