
The public transport, logistics and engineering service sectors are rapidly evolving due to digitalisation and interconnected systems, creating a demand for engineers proficient in designing, integrating, managing and sustaining complex engineering systems.

To meet these demands, the Competency-based Stackable Micro-credential (CSM) Pathway in Infrastructure and Systems Engineering offers you the opportunity to master sought-after competencies through micro-credentials.

Through this pathway, you have the flexibility to choose individual micro-credentials that match your progression needs and earn Specialist Certificates, which serve as recognition of your expertise. If you have aspirations for a degree, you may enrol in the degree programme and stack these micro-credentials towards a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Infrastructure and Systems Engineering.

Our micro-credentials are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to excel in new or advanced job roles, in areas such as engineering design and solutioning, data analytics, AI, smart maintenance, railway technologies, and more – even as you work full-time.

The blended learning model adopted in each micro-credential combines the best of online and in-person delivery, ensuring a holistic learning experience. You will also be supported by success coaches who will provide personalised guidance and assistance to help you succeed.

Micro-credentials Available

Each micro-credential can be taken individually. Upon completion of each micro-credential, you will be awarded a Specialist Certificate.

List of Micro-credentials

Micro-credential Title Type Credits Next Run
Data Analytics for Engineering Engineering 18 Sep 2024
Operational Excellence in Engineering* Engineering 18 Jan 2025
Engineering Design and Solutioning Programme 18 Sep 2024
Energy Systems Efficiency* Programme 18 TBC
Smart Maintenance* Programme Elective 18 Jan 2025
Railway Technologies* Programme Elective 18 TBC
Robotics and Automation* Programme Elective 18 TBC
Environmental Sustainability Measurement and Management Unrestrictive Elective 18 Jan 2025

Note: Micro-credentials denoted by asterisk (*) are pending funding approval from SkillsFuture Singapore. If you are planning to stack to a degree, SSG funding is only available for up to six micro-credentials (i.e. 120 credits). Micro-credential titles are subject to change without prior notice.

Certificate and Assessment

A Specialist Certificate for each micro-credential will be issued to learners who:

  • Attend at least 75% of the course and
  • Undertake and pass all credit bearing assessments

Stacking to a Degree:

  • You have the flexibility to convert to the direct honours degree programme via the annual admission cycle from March – May and stack your acquired micro-credentials to a BEng (Hons) in Infrastructure and Systems Engineering
  • The conversion to the degree pathway will take into account other prior learning such as industry certifications or competencies acquired from work, providing you with credit or exemptions
  • To switch to the degree pathway, you must pass at least one micro-credential (Engineering/Programme/Programme Elective) with a minimum grade of 'C' and meet the degree's eligibility criteria
  • Each micro-credential is valid for 5 years when used for stacking to a degree

Frequently Asked Questions

Curriculum and programme structure

  1. chevron--up
    Can I switch to the degree programme at any time?

    You may apply for the degree programme during the annual admission cycle from March – May. You must pass at least one Engineering, Programme, or Programme Elective micro-credential with a minimum grade of 'C' and meet the degree's eligibility criteria.

    Visit here for more information on the degree programme.

  2. chevron--up
    How does stacking to a degree work?

    Our BEng (Hons) in Infrastructure and Systems Engineering (via the CSM Pathway) offers a flexible and modular structure comprising the following:

    • Two Engineering micro-credentials (covering data analytics and operational excellence)
    • Two Programme micro-credentials (covering the necessary fundamental knowledge and skills for engineering majors)
    • Two Programme Elective micro-credentials (covering the specific knowledge and skills for a targeted industry)
    • One Unrestricted Elective (choose either a micro-credential or a set of modules from any cluster for broadening learning)

    Relevant micro-credentials that you obtain can be stacked progressively to complete this degree.

    In addition to SIT’s micro-credentials, your pathway to a degree will also take into account other prior learning such as industry certifications or competencies acquired from work, which will provide you with credit or exemptions.

    Visit here for more information on the degree programme.

  3. chevron--up
    Do I need to take micro-credentials in a particular order?

    Although we provide a recommended study pathway for the degree programme, you are not required to take micro-credentials in a prescribed order. SIT will state the recommended baseline competencies that an individual should have before embarking on a micro-credential.

  4. chevron--up
    How long does it take to complete one micro-credential?

    It takes one trimester (3+ months) to complete a micro-credential.

  5. chevron--up
    I'm interested in other areas of engineering. Will you be offering other micro-credentials?

    SIT regularly reviews its curriculum to ensure that it remains industry-relevant. We are looking to expand the list of micro-credentials.

  6. chevron--up
    What is the structure of micro-credentials?

    Micro-credentials are largely taught asynchronously, which gives you the flexibility to learn whenever and wherever you choose. While each micro-credential combines online and in-person delivery, the learning activities vary for each micro-credential.

  7. chevron--up
     What is the role of the success coach in the micro-credential?

    Success coaches will work with you to develop a personalised learning plan. They will provide you with a wide range of resources and support services to help you navigate your learning journey.


  1. chevron--up
    Am I guaranteed a place in the micro-credential upon registration?

    Acceptance into the micro-credential will be determined by the Teaching Team and/or if you fulfil the assumed prior knowledge (if any) stated in each respective micro-credential’s webpage. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

  2. chevron--up
    Are there any interviews or additional assessments as part of the admission process?

    No, there won’t be any interviews or additional assessments. However, you would need to provide supporting documents listed in the application form for a smoother admission process.

  3. chevron--up
    Can I enrol in multiple micro-credentials at the same time?

    It is not advisable to enrol in more than one micro-credential at any one time given the associated commitment and workload.

  1. chevron--up
    How will I be notified about the status of my micro-credential applications?

    You will receive an email notification from SIT.


  1. chevron--up
    Are all micro-credentials subsidised by SkillsFuture Singapore?

    The list of micro-credentials subsidised by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) will be progressively updated.  If you are planning to stack to a degree, SSG funding is only available for up to six micro-credentials (i.e. 120 credits).