A Decade of Impact: SIT Celebrates 10 Years of Transforming Education

SIT celebrates 10 years as an autonomous university with a gala dinner, marking a decade of growth and impact in the education sector.


Supporting the Nation’s Sustainable Development Plans

Associate Professor Ethan Chong shares with The Singapore Engineer how SIT is equipping students, researchers and industry professionals with the knowledge, skillsets, and infrastructure to find solutions to sustainable development.

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Upskilling is Not an Uphill Task

Questions like “Am I too old?” and “Can I afford it?” are often on the minds of adult learners when considering upskilling. Robin Ngan, Director of SITLEARN, tackles these questions

Ken Wen (left) with his supervisor, Ong Kay Quan, working on the development of a site blueprint. (SIT Photo)

Textbook to Dream Job: IWSP Helps SITizen Secure Dream Job

From textbook to construction zone, SIT graduate Loh Ken Wen’s perseverance paid off as he lands a full-time role at United Tec Construction.

Founder Ching Wee

Helping SMEs Embed Sustainability in Business

Co-developed with the Association of Small & Medium Enterprises (ASME), the ‘Introduction to Sustainability for Businesses’ course provides companies with the knowledge and frameworks for mapping their sustainability goals.

Tsz Hong

Equipped for Real-World Excellence

At the Singapore Institute of Technology, scholar Chiu Tsz Hong flourishes within a vibrant community, shaping him into a confident leader as soon as he steps into the working world.

Human working alongside AI

SITizens of Tomorrow in an AI-driven World

AI's permeation and increased usage have sparked much discussion on its potential impact on business metamorphosis. How does SIT prepare its graduates to contribute to AI-driven workplaces?


Fostering Sustainability Through Education

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) supports Singapore’s bid to promote sustainable development across industries.

SKH Nurse Amanda

Nursing in the New Age

Senior Staff Nurse Amanda Tan Wan Er, embodies the qualities that define nurses' indispensable roles in serving the community.

Engineering Systems

Turbocharging the Way for Transport Engineers to Excel

SIT’s transport engineering degree programmes are designed in collaboration with key agencies and stakeholders, providing a holistic fast track into the industry.