MoBISDeR: An Effective Teaching Methodology for Learning Radio Frequency Systems

Grant Name
Applied Learning and Innovation Grant (ALIGN)


A mastery in the art of Radio Frequency (RF) systems design requires the skill in the science of RF circuit analysis as the basis. Unfortunately, this science encompasses some of the most complex concepts and theories in electrical and electronics engineering that undergraduate students often find challenging. While the variety of applications made possible by RF electronics can serve as a good motivation among students, the inability to “do” by easily integrating, assembling and realizing the RF systems remains an impediment to provide an effective learning experience and even more so for undergraduate students. Through this grant, we seek to develop MoBISDeR, a Modular Blocks based Integrated Systems Design and Realization. MoBISDeR will serve as a teaching methodology to enable the students to tinker with and develop better analysis of RF circuits and related electronics, which otherwise, when taught merely by covering the theoretical aspects using textbooks, would take students considerable effort and time to comprehend. MoBISDeR will leverage on novel off-the-shelf modular blocks called X-MW blocks which unleashes the possibility of quickly assembling and realizing an RF system. Furthermore, the unique aspect of the modular blocks is the availability of the block parameters that are compatible with the simulation tools and electronic design automation (EDA) tools. Therefore, through this grant an integrated teaching methodology with both system analysis through EDA tools as well as realization through modular blocks is proposed. Such a methodology will provide a much-needed learning experience of not merely using a software-based simulation tool for analysis but is followed by realization of the system though modular blocks-based integration. Such hands-on realization process, very similar in analogy to the assembly of LEGO blocks to construct 3D shapes and structures, will provide an opportunity to complete the intended learning experience of the students - from simulation tools to system realization. The methodology will be adopted for the RF Electronics module taught by the team in the Electronics and Data Engineering (EDE) program. The grant will provide an opportunity for the team to develop discipline specific teaching methodology, evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology and to adopt it into the curriculum eventually by proving the success.

Team Members
Associate Professor
Dr Neelakantam Venkatarayalu
Singapore Institute of Technology
Lead Professional Officer
Ms Ohnmar Kyaw
Singapore Institute of Technology
Senior Professional Officer
Mr Tan See Teck
Singapore Institute of Technology