Use of ROS to teach robotics and autonomous systems​

Grant Name
SIT Advancement for Learning and Teaching (SALT)


The aim of this project is to develop teaching materials that can be used to deliver complex mathematical concepts and theories in robotics and automation in a praxis oriented and applied way. The targeted audience are SIT students in both Engineering and Infocomm Technology clusters.

We propose to leverage the Robot Operating System (ROS), which is an open source framework for building and distributing software for robotics applications and one of the most popular robotics tools. ROS has a collection of tools, libraries, and conventions that can be used to simplify the task of designing, testing and implementing complex and robust robotics applications across a wide variety of robotic platforms. We propose to use ROS as a tool in a laboratory environment where groups of students can work on different aspects of a robotics application in order to solve a complex problem collaboratively. For example, in autonomous robot navigation, one group could work on mapping sensors to provide accurate representation of an indoor environment. Another group could develop navigation algorithms using the maps, and yet another group might use computer vision to perform object detection and avoidance.

Click here to view the project closing report (For SIT Staff only)

Team Members
Senior Professional Officer
Mr Teo Boon Ping
Singapore Institute of Technology
Associate Professor
Dr Wee Liang Boon
Singapore Institute of Technology
Senior Professional Officer
Ms Cherine Ng
Singapore Institute of Technology
Senior Professional Officer
Mr Eugene Lee
Singapore Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor
Dr Peter Waszecki
Singapore Institute of Technology