SimpViz - SIT's interactive mathematics and physics visualizer

Grant Name
SIT Advancement for Learning and Teaching (SALT)


The project aims to develop teaching aids and methodologies built on physics-based simulation tools to expose, entice and engage students to seek deeper understanding of the concepts in electricity and magnetism. The developed tools should serve as an aid in building up, as a second nature, the ability of students to see the connection between physical phenomena and their associated mathematical description.

The project aims to develop a platform SimpViz with two core modules viz. They are SimpViz – Math, with focus on concepts in vector calculus, and SimpViz – EM, with focus on concepts from Electricity and Magnetism. Such a platform is envisaged to serve as an interactive tool for a typical flipped class-room pedagogy, allowing students to experiment with the topics as a pre-lecture exercise while the concepts shall be revisited in-depth during lecture sessions.

Click here to view the project closing report (For SIT Staff only)

Team Members
Associate Professor
Dr Neelakantam Venkatarayalu
Singapore Institute of Technology
Associate Professor
Dr Soh Chew Beng
Singapore Institute of Technology
Associate Professor
Dr Zheng Jianxin
Singapore Institute of Technology