​​Learning from the errors of others during laboratory practicals conducted within a flipped classroom framework

Grant Name
SIT Advancement for Learning and Teaching (SALT)


As a continuation of our previous flipped classroom study, we propose to investigate the effects of student learning from other students’ errors during laboratory practicals within this flipped model. We will develop a collection of video-based pre-laboratory lessons for the PHE1034 Biomolecular Science II module. One set of videos will feature the correct way of performing the laboratory experiment in its entirety, and the other set will highlight common errors to avoid while conducting the same experiment.

During this study, all students will continue to be provided with written laboratory manuals detailing the correct protocol for each experiment. Students will be instructed to view either the error-free video or the other video highlighting common errors to avoid, after which they attempt a LMS-based pre-quiz to assess their knowledge of the experiment to be conducted before the commencement of the lab.

Click here to view the project closing report (For SIT Staff only)

Team Members
Assistant Professor
Dr ​Joy Pang
Singapore Institute of Technology
Senior Professional Officer
Ms Lee Yen Yen
Singapore Institute of Technology
Professional Officer
Ms Amelia Goh
Singapore Institute of Technology