King Jet TSENG
King-Jet Tseng was born in Singapore and studied at Gan Eng Seng School and Hwa Chong Junior College before receiving his B.Eng. (First Class) and M.Eng. from National University of Singapore, and Ph.D. from Cambridge University in United Kingdom. He has more than 30 years of academic, research, industrial and professional experience in electrical power and energy systems. He has been the Head of Power Engineering Division in Nanyang Technological University and the Board Member of the Singapore Green Building Council. He co-founded the Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability for the Tropics (SinBerBEST) program and the Electrical Power Systems Integration Laboratory @ NTU, a Rolls-Royce research facility. He has directly supervised and graduated about 30 PhD students and also inspired a number of technology start-up companies. He is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of IET, a Fellow of IES and registered as Chartered Engineer with UK Engineering Council. Currently, he is the Professor and Advisor for Electrical Power Engineering at Singapore Institute of Technology, working on his vision of future urban electrical distribution architecture which can provide flexible and heterogeneous power quality for greater sustainability. He continues to contribute to International Electrotechnical Commission as a standardization expert for grid-integrated electrical energy storage systems. He has made important contributions to interior permanent magnet synchronous machines, resilient grid interconnection of distributed energy resources, dynamic voltage compensation, arc modeling for transient simulations and energy storage systems in utility applications.
Publications: >300; Citations: >10,900; h-index: 54
Full publication list: https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?hl=en&user=1YrKUN0AAAAJ
SIT Appointments
- University Academic Promotion Board– Present
- Professor of Electrical Engineering– Present
- Director of Programmes, Engineering Cluster–
- Programme Leader, SIT-NU BEng (Hons) Electrical Power Engineering–
- Programme Leader, SIT MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering–
- Deputy Cluster Director (Applied Research), Engineering–
- Programme Director - SIT-NU BEng (Hons) in Electrical Power Engineering–
- Programme Director - SIT MEngTech in Electrical and Electronic Engineering–
- Doctor of PhilosophyCambridge University , United Kingdom
- Master of EngineeringNational University of Singapore , Singapore
- Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (First Class Honours)National University of Singapore , Singapore
- Rolls-Royce Inventors Award
- National Day Long Service Medal (Pingat Bakti Setia) by Ministry of Education
- IEEE Millennium Medal by Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- Swan Premium by The Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK)
- Fellowship of Cambridge Commonwealth Society
- Shell-Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship
- University Research Scholarship by National University of Singapore
Professional Certification
- Chartered EngineerEngineering Council (United Kingdom)
Professional Memberships
- Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (FIEEE)–
- Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET)–
- Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (FIES)–
- Fellow of Cambridge Philosophical Society (FCPS)–
Corporate Experience
- Expert Member, TC120 (Grid Integrated ESS), International Electrotechnical CommissionPresent
- Chair, NEA Singapore Certified Energy Manager (SCEM) C&E BoardPresent
- Convenor, ESS Working Group (EESC-TC3), Enterprise SingaporePresent
- Member, Technical Advisory Panel, IRASPresent
- Academic Member, Singapore Battery ConsortiumPresent
- Independent Advisory Panel Member, Land Transport Authority
- Director, Electrical Power Systems Integration Laboratory (EPSIL@N, a Rolls-Royce Corporate Lab sited in NTU)–
- Program Co-Leader, Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability for the Tropics (SinBerBEST Program of NRF-CREATE)–
- Board Member, Singapore Green Building Council–
- Member, Energy Standards Committee, Spring Singapore–
Research Interests
Advanced Electrification for Transportation and Built Environment
Main field: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Sub-field: Power and Energy
- Distributed and grid-integrated energy storage systems
- Battery energy storage systems
- Low voltage DC power distribution
- Vehicle-to-Grid infrastructure
- Non-homogeneous power quality
- Permanent magnet machines and applications
- Condition monitoring based management of electrical assets
- Sustainability in design and practice
Current Projects
- SIT-EMA Exploiting Distribution Generation Program– Present
- SIT Punggol Campus Multi-Energy Microgrid– Present
Past Projects
- Pulau Ubin Micro-Grid Phase II, funded by EMA, 2015-2017–
- Study of Reliability Of Power Systems For Underground Cavern Facilities, funded by JTC, 2014-2016–
- Integrated Chemical and Electrical Systems Operation (ICESO), part of Cambridge Centre for Carbon Reduction in Chemical Technology (C4T)–
Funded by NRF through Cambridge CARES, 2013-2018
- Electrical Power and Control Systems (EPACS), Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab, 2013-2018–
- Towards Green Data Center as an Interruptible Load for Grid Stabilization in Singapore, funded by EMA, 2013-2016–
- Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability for the Tropics (SinBerBEST)–
Funded by NRF through BEARS, 2012-2017
- Wide Band Gap Power Electronics, funded by Bosch, 2012-2016–
- Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles, funded by NRF through TUM-CREATE, 2011-2016–
- Modelling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators, funded by Vestas, 2010-2014–
- Proof-of-Concept Grant for High Temperature Power Electronics, funded by NRF, 2009-2010–
Journal Papers
Z Wei, C Zou, F Leng, BH Soong, KJ Tseng, "Online model identification and state-of-charge estimate for lithium-ion battery with a recursive total least squares-based observer", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65 (2), 1336-1346
S Yin, Y Liu, Y Liu, KJ Tseng, J Pou, R Simanjorang, "Comparison of SiC voltage source inverters using synchronous rectification and freewheeling diode", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65 (2), 1051-106
A Sakanova, KJ Tseng, "Comparison of pin-fin and finned shape heat sink for power electronics in future aircraft", Applied Thermal Engineering, 25 May 2018, Vol.136, pp.364-374.
S Yang, P Wang, Y Tang, M Zagrodnik, X Hu, KJ Tseng, "Circulating Current Suppression in Modular Multilevel Converters With Even-Harmonic Repetitive Control", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2018, 54 (1), 298-309
A Sakanova, CF Tong, A Nawawi, R Simanjorang, KJ Tseng, AK Gupta, “Investigation on weight consideration of liquid coolant system for power electronics converter in future aircraft”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, Vol. 104, pp.603-615
M Zhang, KJ Tseng, “Lumped magnetic circuit model for faulty machine performance prediction”, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2016, Vol.50 (2), pp.339-352
Z Wei, TM Lim, M Skyllas-Kazacos, N Wai, KJ Tseng, “Online state of charge and model parameter co-estimation based on a novel multi-timescale estimator for vanadium redox flow battery”, Applied Energy, 2016, Vol.172, pp.169-179
G Luo, D Zhang, KJ Tseng, J He, “Impulsive noise reduction for transient Earth voltage-based partial discharge using Wavelet-entropy”, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2016, Vol.10 (1), pp.69-76
K Kandasamy, DM Vilathgamuwa, UK Madawala, KJ Tseng, “Inductively coupled modular battery system for electric vehicles”, IET Power Electronics, 2016, Vol.9 (3), pp.600-609
T Wang, KJ Tseng, J Zhao, “Development of efficient air-cooling strategies for lithium-ion battery module based on empirical heat source model”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, Vol.90, pp.521-529
LH Koh, P Wang, FH Choo, KJ Tseng, ZY Gao, HB Püttgen, “Operational Adequacy Studies of a PV-Based and Energy Storage Stand-Alone Microgrid”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2015, Vol.30 (2), pp.892-900
K Kandasamy, M Vilathgamuwa, KJ Tseng, “Inter-module state-of-charge balancing and fault-tolerant operation of cascaded H-bridge converter using multi-dimensional modulation for electric vehicle application”, IET Power Electronics, 2015, Vol.8 (10), pp.1912-1919
A Sakanova, J Zhao, KJ Tseng, “Investigation on the influence of nanofluids in wavy microchannel heat sink”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2015, Vol.5 (7), pp.956-970
X Hu, KJ Tseng, “Integration of Multiple Modularized Distributed Energy Resource Devices Into AC Grid of Buildings: Issue of Active Power Circulation”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, Vol.61 (11), pp.6118-6127
R Badrinarayanan, J Zhao, KJ Tseng, M Skyllas-Kazacos, “Extended dynamic model for ion diffusion in all-vanadium redox flow battery including the effects of temperature and bulk electrolyte transfer”, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, Vol.270, pp.576-586
T Wang, KJ Tseng, J Zhao, Z Wei, “Thermal investigation of lithium-ion battery module with different cell arrangement structures and forced air-cooling strategies”, Applied Energy, 2014, Vol.134, pp.229-238
A Nawawi, KJ Tseng, GAJ Amaratunga, H Umezawa, S Shikata, “Design and optimization of planar mesa termination for diamond Schottky barrier diodes”, Diamond and Related Materials, 2013, Vol.36, pp.51-57
S Zhang, KJ Tseng, DM Vilathgamuwa, TD Nguyen, XY Wang, “Design of a robust grid interface system for PMSG-based wind turbine generators”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2011, Vol.58 (1), pp.316-328
TD Nguyen, KJ Tseng, S Zhang, HT Nguyen, “A novel axial flux permanent-magnet machine for flywheel energy storage system: design and analysis”, IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2011, Vol.58 (9), pp.3784-3794
DL Yao, SS Choi, KJ Tseng, TT Lie, “A statistical approach to the design of a dispatchable wind power-battery energy storage system”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2009, Vol.24 (4), pp.916-925
KJ Tseng, SB Wee, “Analysis of flux distribution and core losses in interior permanent magnet motor”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 1999, Vol.14 (4), pp.969-975
KJ Tseng, Y Wang, DM Vilathgamuwa, “An experimentally verified hybrid Cassie-Mayr electric arc model for power electronics simulations”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 1997, Vol.12 (3), pp.429-436
KJ Tseng, GH Chen, “Computer-aided design and analysis of direct-driven wheel motor drive”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 1997, Vol.12 (3), pp.517-527
KJ Tseng, PR Palmer, “Mathematical model of gate-turn-off thyristor for use in circuit simulations”, IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications, 1994, Vol.141 (6), pp.284-292
S Yin, KJ Tseng, CF Tong, R Simanjorang, CJ Gajanayake, AK Gupta “A 99% efficiency SiC three-phase inverter using synchronous rectification”, 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2942-2949
K Li, KJ Tseng, “An equivalent circuit model for state of energy estimation of lithium-ion battery”, 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 3422-3430
HL Yeo, KJ Tseng, “Modelling technique utilizing modified sigmoid functions for describing power transistor device capacitances applied on GaN HEMT and silicon MOSFET”, 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 3107-3114
S Yang, P Wang, Y Tang, M Zagrodnik, X Hu, KJ Tseng, “Even-harmonic repetitive control for circulating current suppression in Modular Multilevel Converters”, 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 3591-3597
S Yang, P Wang, Y Tang, M Zagrodnik, X Hu, KJ Tseng, “A novel analysis and design method of phase lead filters in repetitive controllers for pulse-width modulated inverters”, 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1071-1077
S Yin, KJ Tseng, CF Tong, R Simanjorang, CJ Gajanayake, AK Gupta, “A novel gate assisted circuit to reduce switching loss and eliminate shoot-through in SiC half bridge configuration”, 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 3058-3064
CF Tong, A Nawawi, Y Liu, S Yin, KJ Tseng, Y Liu, KY See, A Sakanova, “Challenges in switching waveforms measurement for a high-speed switching module”, 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 6175-6179
MT Li, SS Choi, KJ Tseng, Y Yuan, CC Sun, “Design of energy storage scheme for the smoothing and dispatch planning of large-scale wind power generation”, 2015 5th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT)
T Chen, D Zhou, T Tran, C Kastner, KV Ling, KJ Tseng, JM Maciejowski, “Distributed moving horizon estimation for power systems”, 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5
X Chen, KJ Tseng, G Amaratunga, “State estimation for distribution systems using micro-synchrophasors”, Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific
Teaching Modules
Electrical Power Engineering, MEngTech
- EEE6008 - Condition Monitoring in Power Engineering
- In Previous Institutions:
- Modern Distribution Systems with Renewable Resources
- AC Electric Circuits and Devices
- Aircraft Electrical Systems
- Power Systems and Protection
- Power Electronics and Drives
- Power Semiconductors and Passive Devices
- Smart Grids with Renewable Energy Resources
- Power Engineering Design
- Power Electronics Design
- Advanced Electrical Drives
- Fundamentals of Control Engineering
- In Singapore Institute of Technology after 2017:
- EEE6001 - Power Systems Analysis and Control
- EEE6003 - Electrification for Transportation and Built Environment
- EEE6006 - Smart Grid and Cyber Security
- EEE6007 - Analysis and Design of Electrical Machine Systems
- EEE6009 - Energy Resources, Market and Economics
- EEE6010 - Professional Practices in Power Engineering
- SIE6022 - Electric Power and Propulsion