Electronics and Data Engineering (SIT & Technical University of Munich)
what others
are saying
Ulf Schlichtmann
Professor, Technical University of Munich

The joint SIT-Technical University of Munich (TUM) programme in Electronics and Data Engineering prepares students for fascinating positions in the continually growing sectors of the future economy. The programme emphasises timeless fundamentals which will serve graduates for their entire working life, and yet ensures that they are prepared to succeed immediately after graduation.

Lee Tachyang
Senior Director, Technology Development & Introduction, STMicroelectronics Pte Ltd

The four-year joint degree programme in Electronics and Data Engineering offered by SIT and Technical University of Munich is exciting and well-balanced. It encompasses a good spectrum from circuit design, robotics and automation, data analytics to smart manufacturing. These competencies are immediately relevant to the semiconductor industry in Singapore and worldwide. 

Equipped with these fundamentals, up-to-date applied knowledge, specialised skill sets and more importantly, connections with the host company through the eight-month IWSP, graduates will be clearly well-positioned on a launch-pad ahead of their peers in the industry.