Mechatronics Modules

Year 1

Applicable Mathematics 2N


Mathematical techniques required in the degree programmes taught in collaboration with the Singapore Institute of Technology. The main topics include calculus of several variables, differential equations, Fourier series and Laplace transforms.

Power Electronics 2N


To understand the function, design, and characteristics of electrical and electronic components and sub-systems within the wider context of mechanical and aerospace products and systems. A major application is electronic drives for motors and actuators.

Dynamics and Control 3N


Dynamics: gives the student a thorough grounding in the modelling of mechanical systems, the solution of the resulting differential equations and the application to simple vibration problems. Control: understand and analyse simple feedback control systems.

Electronic System Design 3N


Introduction to specification driven design of analogue systems. Topics covered are low frequency precision design, design of ground and differential signals and low noise design.

Engineering Design 3N


To develop the students understanding of Availability, Reliability, Maintainability thereby enhancing the students’ ability to evaluate design proposals from a number of related viewpoints. To illustrate and develop an understanding of robust design from functional performance and manufacture viewpoints. To expose students to the discipline involved in researching a technical area and produce a report and presentation.

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation 3N


To provide an introduction to the mathematical modelling of engineering systems and the uses to which they can be put. These include simulation, analysis and design. The use of computers to achieve this will be discussed as will generic issues relating to the use of computers for solution of mathematical problems.

Mechanics of Materials and Structures 3N


To equip students to perform deformation analyses of linear elastic skeletal structures by mathematical modelling and appropriate manual and computational methods, in particular, finite element analysis (FEA).

Mechatronics Team Project 3G


Students are divided into teams of about 4-6 that design and construct a mechatronic system to perform assigned tasks, on time and within budget. Typically the system is based on a wheeled robot chassis. It requires the selection and implementation of sensors and actuators, design of electronic hardware including printed circuit boards, and programming a digital control system. The project changes every year. Singapore students undertake this course during a four week study period at the University of Glasgow.

Software Engineering 3N


Understand the nature and problems of software and the need for software engineering. Develop familiarity with selected software engineering processes and techniques. Explore the relationship between software engineering and more traditional engineering disciplines

Instrumentation and Data Systems 3N


This course provides an introduction to instrumentation and data systems for engineers covering error analysis, signal acquisition and processing.